Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week of March 9 to March 13

Feature Writing
Due to the delays and cancellations on the week on 3/2 to 3/6, project proposals will be extended until Wednesday 3/11. Please review the requirements listed on the handout to begin structuring your summary, rationale, and schedule. Each student must independently acquire a nonfiction/investigative journalism book for class on Friday 3/13.

English 11
Due to the delays and cancellations, vocabulary homework will be due Monday 3/9. Parallel analysis sheets for theme and characterization between Of Mice and Men and Guardians of the Galaxy must be submitted upon the completion of the film, which will now fall on Monday 3/9. Students will then be required to take notes on the introduction PPT for Shakespeare and Hamlet. Note taking guides will be due on Wednesday 3/11. Vocabulary 5A Quiz will be given on Friday 3/13.

Practical English 12
Students must continue to complete corresponding study guides with the chapter readings of Lord of the Flies. Students will be responsible for completing Chapters 6-8 by Friday 3/13. Vocabulary 2 Quiz will be given on Friday 3/13.

Honors English 10
Due to the delays and cancellations, finished outlines for the research project must be competed for submission by Wednesday 3/13. Thesis statements and topic outlines will be due Monday 3/9. Rough drafts are tentatively scheduled for Monday 3/23. Preparation for To Kill a Mockingbird will begin Monday 3/16.

Students will review the areas of news interest and newspaper terminology for a quiz on Wednesday 3/11. Students will then be responsible for 5 examples of leads due Friday 3/13.