Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28 to November 1

Students will begin working on a list of possible beats for the next issue of the Spartan Spectrum due for publication on January 8. Students will also begin learning standard copyediting symbols and will apply them to peer articles. An identification quiz will be given at the conclusion of the week.

Advanced Writing
Students will continue preparing all elements of novel writing which will begin on November 1 and will carry over Thanksgiving break and end on November 30 at midnight.

English 10
Students will continue reading Part II of Fahrenheit 451 with a quiz scheduled for Tuesday November 5. Vocabulary quiz 4 will be given on Friday November 1.

Honors English 10
Students will have a quiz on Vocabulary list 3 on Friday November 1. Students will continue reading Part III of Fahrenheit 451. A summative test is tentatively scheduled for Monday November 11. The Propaganda Project and Lyrics in Literature paper (not yet assigned) will both be due on Friday November 15.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week of October 21 to October 25.

Students will review typography and copy editing symbols. Quizzes on these concepts will be given on Friday 10/25. Students will be required to arrange printed copies of the school paper for sale.

Advanced Writing
Students will peer review drafts of the Ordeal by Cheque project and will submit a final version on Friday 10/25. Students are also expected to have constructed a clear protagonist for further development in the novel writing project. A basic plot or identification of conflict should be addressed as well.

English 10
Students will continue reading Fahrenheit 451 Part One. Assignments that will be collected for points this week include the 4 characterization charts (Montag, Mildred, Clarisse, Beatty), The Part One Study Guide, and the worksheet for Beatty's lecture on pages 53-63. The test on Part One will be given on Thursday 10/24. Vocabulary homework will also be due 10/24.

Honors English 10
Students will discuss duality in the book on Monday and will provide specific elements of paradox. A review will be held in preparation for the Part One essay test on Wednesday 10/23. Participation sheets will be distributed on Monday 10/21 and must be returned the following day. Vocabulary homework will be due on Thursday 10/24.