Monday, December 7, 2015

Week of December 7 to December 11

Honors English 10
Students will complete the final test for Fahrenheit 451 on Monday 12/7. Tuesday - Thursday will be reserved for working on the Propaganda Commercial project or the Lyrics in Literature paper. The Vocabulary 4 Quiz will be given on Friday 12/11.

Honors English 12
Students will complete the reading of Macbeth Act V on Tuesday 12/8. A test on the entire play will follow on Thursday 12/10 and a comprehensive group project will be discussed. Vocabulary Quizzes for Lessons 3 & 6 will be due on Friday 12/11.

Advanced Writing
Students will submit 5 original examples of Found Poetry by Wednesday 12/9 and will then begin working on other types of poetry in class. All subsequent types covered will have assignments due on Monday 12/14.

Practical Literature 10
Students will begin reading Julius Caesar and will take notes on corresponding study guides. Study guides for Act I will be due on Friday 12/7 with a quiz also falling on that day.

Practical English 10
Students will continue working on research projects. The class will begin outlining on Thursday 12/10 and will submit a completed example on Monday 12/14 to begin drafting the research paper.