Monday, October 26, 2015

Week of October 26 to October 29

Honors English 10
Students will complete all preparation work for the Dystopia Introduction. Students will be responsible for a detailed note-taking of the first section of the novel, Fahrenheit 451. The note guide will be discussed in class, but should follow a similar structure of the LRJs for the Short Story Unit. Vocabulary Quiz 2 will be given on Friday 10/30.

Honors English 12
Students will take the 2nd Quiz for the remaining readings of Beowulf and will then begin working on the Hero's Journey: Epic Poem project. The project will be due on Friday November 6th. In addition to the project, students will also be responsible for completing a series of Anglo Saxon poetry readings in the literature book. Vocabulary homework for List 2 will be due Friday 10/30.

Advanced Writing
Students will continue working on the first installment of the novel writing session. This installment is due in class on Wednesday 10/28 and will be workshopped on the following two days.

Practical Literature 10
Students will continue in-class readings of Fahrenheit 451 Part One and will complete the following study guide questions. The complete study guide will be due on Friday 10/30. Students should also be responsible for adding to information to the Montag and Clarisse character charts.

Practical English 10
Students will be responsible for submitting a specific topic for research and will begin developing a thesis statement. Completed thesis statements will be due on Thursday 10/29. Students will also complete the Vocabulary 3 quiz on Friday 10/30.