Monday, October 12, 2015

Week of October 13 to October 16

Honors English 10
Students will submit all notes and Literary Response Journal for Masque of the Red Death by Tuesday 10/13. Notes and LRJ for Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket will be due Thursday. Vocabulary Quiz on list 1B will be given on Wednesday 10/14; homework for list 2 will be due Monday 10/19. A comprehensive test on the Short Story Unit will be given on Wednesday 10/21.

Honors English 12
Students will submit and present the Modern Beast project on Tuesday 10/13. Readings for Beowulf must be completed by Friday 10/16. Projects for the Epic Poetry project will be discussed on Monday 10/19. Vocabulary 1 Quiz will be given on Friday 10/16.

Advanced Writing
Students will begin structuring plot for the novel and must register with NaNoWriMo. Students must choose three elements of research that must be done prior to the beginning stages of novel writing.

Practical Literature 10
Students will review all 5 short stories in the Unit. A Test on the Short Story Unit will be given on Thursday 10/15. Students will begin discussing Dystopian Literature and will complete the Create a Dystopia Project.

Practical English 10
Students will finish the practice quiz on Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases on Tuesday 10/13 will the formal quiz on Wednesday 10/14. Vocabulary Quiz will be given on Friday 10/16. Phrase Test will be given on Monday 10/19.