Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week of April 29 to May 3

Feature Writing
Students will focus on typography terminology with a quiz on Thursday 5.2.13.

Advanced Writing
Students will work on the Writer's Toolkit during class. Upcoming assignments include a 3-page nonfiction reflection due on May 13th for seniors and May 17th for juniors.

English 11
Students will review gerunds and will complete quiz on Thursday 5.2.13. Corresponding worksheets will be given throughout the week and will be due at the beginning of the next class day.

Honors English 10
Students will complete the Act I-III Quiz for Julius Caesar on Monday 4.29.13. Study guides for Acts IV and V will be due Friday 5.3.13. Vocabulary homework will be due Tuesday 4.30.13 with a quiz to follow on Friday 5.3.13.